Top Lawyers Directory: Drunk Driving Defense: New Jersey

'Drunk Driving Defense' Lawyers & Law Firms in New Jersey.

Theodore Sliwinski

Theodore Sliwinski

Law firm based in East Brunswick, offering services for traffic and drunk driving defense.

Theodore Sliwinski

Theodore Sliwinski

East Brunswick attorney emphasizing drunk driving defense.

Peter H. Lederman, PA

Peter H. Lederman, PA

Drunk driving defense attorney, with offices in Piscataway, offering information about drunk driving laws.

Law Offices of Ronald P. Mondello

Law Offices of Ronald P. Mondello

Fairlawn attorney, specializing in municipal court matters, including misdemeanor, driving violations, drunk driving, and traffic ticket defense.

Greggory M. Marootian

Greggory M. Marootian

Trial attorney, with offices in Livingston, concentrating on drunk driving defense.
Top Lawyers Directory: Drunk Driving Defense: New Jersey